Building a Custom Home

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Aside from price, you need to find a builder that offers a top tier level of quality and service when building a custom home in Syracuse. Ron Merle believes you can sacrifice nothing for quality, and his works speaks for itself. High quality materials and quality craftsmanship throughout!

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You’ll need to work with a mortgage expert to discuss your financial situation and how much you can afford to spend when your building a custom home in syracuse. They’ll go over the different loan options that you have and figure out the best way to finance your new home. Some of the things you’ll need to keep in mind include the following:
• Do we already own the lot that we want to build on?
• How much equity do we have in our current home?
• How much additional savings can we contribute to our budget?


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Will you be close to friends and family? Are you looking for easy access to the highway so you can get to work quickly? Are you looking for a specific school district? These are some questions you’ll want to answer to help determine where you should build. Ron Merle currently has lots available in the existing whispering oaks neighborhood in Baldwinsville, NY. Whispering Oaks II will begin to develop in spring of 2016, with .5 – 1 acre lots available. We are also building in Brittany Hills and Longview at Radisson! Our real estate partners can also help you find a lot in a location of your choice!

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Whether you have a plan that you’d like to use, want to design something new, or are somewhere in between, we can help! The great thing about working with Ron Merle is his dedication to his customers. Ron’s guidance as you’re designing your home means that Merle built homes are some of the most stylish custom homes in Syracuse! Some things that you’ll want to consider about your design include:
• Does the home give you room to grow?
• Is there plenty of space for entertaining?
• Do you have room for overnight guests and family?
• Is there enough storage for household items?
• Will you need a home office or special use area?
• Are outdoor living features available?

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From the planning stage to moving in, the long-term experience of the team at Custom Homes by Ron Merle will guide you through the many questions of building your dream home. Contact us today to start building a custom home in Syracuse or the surrounding CNY area!

Call 315-254-4359 to speak with a representative or email .
